FAQ - Teamgym
Qualifications and finals
If you have competitions with qualifications and finals, you can transfer the tariff/music and participant list to the finals for the teams that have qualified. The following needs to be done.
Create a final class in Tariff with the same settings as the qualification round.
When the qualification is over, go to the page where you download the music and the tariffs.
Press "Edit Team" button to the right.
Press "Copy to class".
Select the final class you created earlier.
Select what you want copied. (If nothing is done, everything is included).
Then press "Copy". The team and their tariffs etc. will be copied to the new class.
When you are done with all the teams, you must set the following under "Edit team".
SubDivision = Pool (usually 1 in finals)
Start number = Start number in the final.
Floor / App1 = Start number/start order in floor.
Tumbling / App2 = Start number/start order in tumbling
Trampet / App3 = Start number/start order in trampet
Once this is done, go to Score and to "Settings - Teams and Classes - Import"
Import from Tariff. To import from Tariff, two codes are needed; Comp ID (Competition ID) and Comp PW (Security Code). These two codes can be found at the bottom of the page for downloading music and tariffs in Tariff.
Enter these numbers and press "Import from Tariff".
Select the teams to be imported, i.e. all teams from the final class.
Tap Import.
Now the participating teams in the final competition can go in and change in Tariff if they want and the scoring system is ready for competition.